Thursday, September 20, 2012

iRSVP 1.3 is on the way!

With iOS6 out and the iPhone 5 is on the way, this update makes sure that iRSVP works well with both.

webNotes 1.4 is on the way!

With iOS6 out and the iPhone 5 is on the way, this update makes sure that webNotes works well with both.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

webNotes 1.3 is out!

webNotes 1.3 addresses a  bug that I've heard about from a few people that prevents them from seeing their notes and crashes the app when they try. I've heard about it from a few people and finally was able to get some crucial information about it (thanks Glenn!).

It seems that some note tags (folders) that are formatted differently from the ones that I saw while testing and that apparently most people have, and I wasn't handling that case well. I've added support for those tag types, and it should be good to go. I think in the interim, for anyone who cannot view their notes, try this:
  • Go to Settings 
  • Turn off the "Show note tags" option
Since this is a bug in the display of the tags, I think disabling them until the updated version is approved in in the App Store should solve the problem.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

webNotes 1.2 is out!

webNotes 1.2 addresses a few bugs:
  • The "Add notes" button often disappears when re-entering the notes view. This has been corrected
  •  The web image and the loose-leaf background was a bit distracting, and so it's gone

One other thing to note is that for reasons that are unclear to me, Ubuntu One's notes sync service is unresponsive every so often, which will result in synchronization failure. At first I thought it was on my end, but it was affecting Tomboy as well the last time I noticed it. When this happens, unfortunately, all we can do is wait for the service to come back online and sync then.


Monday, August 13, 2012

webNotes 1.1

Version 1.1 brings bug fixes and login improvements. 

  • There was an issue with a crash when in an area with poor network connectivity that should be fixed in this release
  • The login screen gives more feedback when login errors occur

iRSVP 1.2 has been released!

Version 1.1 addressed a few bugs and completely overhauled the EPUB parsing for more reliability. 

Version 1.2 brings new features and a new look. New features:

Word 2007+ (DOCX) support

Now modern versions of Microsoft Word is supported. The previous versions supported older versions of Word (DOC), and now DOCX is supported as well. Like the other supported filetypes, a separate icon will distinguish these files from the others, so you always know what kind of file you are working with. 

Jump to Percentage

Now you can jump to any point in a file without having to read to it. Now that the reading page shows your progress as an exact percentage, you can always jump straight to where you want to go. Your progress will still be saved, of course, but now you can move back and forward through long files quickly and easily. If you accidentally reset your progress, this can get you right back where you left off. It is also very handy for skipping the tables of contents for E-Books.

Easier E-Book Downloading 

Ebooks can now be downloaded from inside the app from a variety of sources, including Project Gutenberg. Previous versions required you to go to various places inside of Safari and then send these files to iRSVP. This is still possible, of course, but now you can download supported file types without having to leave the app.

New Interface

Much of the interface has been overhauled, and streamlined for a more attractive experience. See screenshots below

SettingsHome ScreenFile Manager

Better, easier help

Using the idea of "show, don't tell" the new help is graphical and succinct. 

Monday, April 30, 2012



iRSVP is a reading tool that allows one to increase his or her reading speed. As its name suggests, it implements the idea of RSVP, or Rapid Serial Visual Presentation.

The help section should explain how to use the application, more information about the file types it supports, and sources for free ebooks.  If you do have problems, suggestions, or anything else, send them to I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Introducing webNotes

webNotes is a simple note-taking application for iOS that syncs with Ubuntu One's notes service. It is compatible with the text formatting and tags (folders) of the Tomboy desktop client, and offers a number of ways to handle syncing. With Tomboy, you can view your notes on all of your computers running OS X, Linux, or Windows.

This is my first iPhone application, so I'm sure there will be things to be corrected, added, or changed as I get feedback and learn more, so please send problems, suggestions, or anything else, to I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
